Day of Design

Day of Design

Day of Design featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Yedao Lugui Baijiu

The idea of the design is about the famous eight tourist attractions in Hainan Province of China. The design applies an illustration form to draw those eight tourist scenic spots on the bottle of the product. The packaging of the product is simple with Hainan characteristics. The tourist can use the product as a gift for their relative and friend. The design of the product packaging propagandizes the local cultural characteristics of Hainan. It also spread the Hainan’s tourist attractions culture.

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The core value of Yagumitan is to find wild honey that is scarce in China. The key words are scarcity, search, and environment. Designers use diamond cuts to express the sense of scarcity. Diamonds are used as a symbol of rights and wealth. Consumers can intuitively feel the value of wild honey. Use the compass to indicate search. Finally, the designer used contour lines and mountain cuts to represent valley cliffs, symbolizing the best wild honey hidden in it.

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Diaoyutai is a well-known Chinese brand with many products. For a successful brand, designers have been thinking about how to shape it, so as to maintain a deep visual point while maintaining the original visual system. The designer chose "Dragon", which represents the highest image in ancient China, as the main element of the design. The bottle cap design is very full, and the square bottle cap is reminiscent of the "jade seal" representing the imperial power. The bottle design is very simple. This comparison shows a very solemn visual image and has a unique Chinese style.

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Milk Baobab Baby Skin Care

It is inspired by milk, the main ingredient. The unique container design of the milk pack type reflects the product characteristics and is designed to be familiar to even the first-time consumers. In addition, the material made of polyethylene (PE) and rubber (EVA) and the soft characteristics of pastel color are used to emphasize that it is a mild product for children with weak skin. The round shape is applied to the corner for safety of mom and baby.

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Cong Tai Baijiu

The design uses modern and traditional elements to transfer a fashionable effect. The design of the label uses the shape of a rat and a coin to convey a rich and auspicious idea. The outer ring of the label design is decorated with a light shape to create a lively effect. The bottle is made of the ceramic. The surface texture of the bottle is marble. The design combines the Eastern with the Western culture to create a sense of fashion. The design tries to convey a Chinese zodiac culture and presents a complete product characteristic.

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Si Te Baijiu

The box is embossed with a treasured flower pattern. The design has a complex and vitality effect. The shape of the label is inspired by the traditional Chinese mascot Ruyi. A traditional seal shape is underneath the label. The idea of using seal shape on the design is inspired by Chinese dragons and the Great Wall. The design transfers an oriental concept. The result of the product design is delicate.

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