Day of Design

Day of Design

Day of Design featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Fallo protetto!

As everyone knows, one of the things that drives the world forward can also be a source of trouble: if you have sex, there is a risk that you will catch a disease. That’s why the name is Fallo protetto! which is “do it but in a safe way”. In italian fallo protetto has a double meaning: is the second-person singular, present tense imperative of the verb fare (to do or to make), but it is also a noun, deriving from the Latin phallus, the erect male organ. The packaging design was conceived to underline the idea of protection.

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Soapmill packaging design reflects the brand's respect for nature and beauty and its discreet elegance. As most cosmetic products are experienced in contact with the skin, the packaging concept is based on the user's experience when in contact with the package, as a prelude for further discovering the products qualities. The boxes come in pastel colours and white and they are covered with embossed textures inspired by natural patterns and wild flowers mixed with refined traditional patterns. By this precious finish the cosmetic product becomes an object of desire.

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800th Anniversary Magna Carta

This limited edition card set commemorates the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta featuring a black and white deck series framed around the tension between Royals and Rebels. By designing the story within an interactive design system, the series creates an engaging and personalized packaging experience that allows the user to feel a sense of ownership over the design and own a piece of momentous history. Gold foils and embossing run throughout the series to entice users to interact and re-purpose the packaging as product itself.

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Tic Tac Toe packaging

All clothing items come in a sophisticated, multi-dimensional pack. There is no front or back, both sides are treated equally. The front has an endearing deer and fawn die-cut window that shows off Tic Tac Toe's clothing prints. The back has a die-cut heart that is three dimensional and framed in a second heart. Open the pack and an unexpected discovery unfolds. The reversible shoes also come in a “double-sided” pack. The large window allows visibility all around. The combination, shoes and clothes produce a gift set.

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Rawiu is a bachelor project of branding, created at Vilnius Academy of Arts by a graphic designer Ineta Plytnykiene. The project is cherishing traditions of healthy, vegetative nutrition. The created concept suggests using wild plants in everyday cookery all year. Violets, nettles, dandelions, aegopodiums are frozen and can be used in different dishes, also to enrich nutrition by exceptional vitamins. Wild plants are very seasonal food and this project suggests giving a possibility to use plants despite the season.

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Spain I Need You

The basis for our concept is an emotional element. The developed naming and design concept are aimed at the customer’s feelings and emotions, they serve the purpose of stopping the person right next to the needed shelf and making them pick it from the multitude of other brands. The entire marketing strategy and brand promotion will be based on the exact same positive emotional associations, making the brand more attractive.

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