Day of Design

Day of Design

Day of Design featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Green Light Tea Garden

Promote the concept of environmental protection, use tea waste to develop recycled paper, highlighting the characteristics of the birthplace of tea production, and good tea will be made with good mountains and water. With the logic of recycling, the public can understand the importance of environmental protection. In the process of drinking tea, care and enthusiasm for the land is generated, hope that the three (people, land, and native species) will have a positive, happy and sustainable life.

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The Enchanted Forest

Label and packaging design for Blue Lagoon distillery, New Caledonia a small distillery of the islands, and their rum bottle, The Enchanted Forest. It is a uniquely crafted white rum characterized by gentle vanilla aromas, distilled from a variety of sugar cane produced by farmers in Southern Caledonia. The objective was to create a label design that conveys the quality of the brand and creates an emotional bond with the customers in a highly competitive market. The overall feeling of the packaging is about the intertwining of tradition and modernity.

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Mother Nature, the eternal inspiration, leads to an extraordinary design for a traditional way of doing. Logothetis Farm in Zakynthos, Greece, lets the values and importance of the legendary Greek heritage emerge in a dynamic way. The farm to table experience meets the magic of design, storytelling and branding. With a classic and clean identity, and a playful twist for today’s audience, the packaging gives a warm aura that welcomes all consumers to get it!

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Apollee, Premium Olive Oil. A product that welcomes all consumers to a journey towards the sense of the sublime. Inspired by olive tree trunks and the power of Greek olive groves, this design nods to the bond between Mother Nature and her children, while the high-quality materials lend a unique, tactile feel. That’s how sophistication and a lasting impression are created for an extraordinary culinary and branding experience!

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Mirzam: Monsters Collection

Chocolate-makers from the UAE (Dubai) needed a branding for handcrafted bean-to-bar chocolate. From the naming and identity to the product design and packaging, the team designed each element with a fascinating story around the whole concept. The brand based on journeys through the ancient Orient along long-forgotten ocean routes and pathways was created. A journey from one country to another, meeting monsters and mythical characters. The packaging design is the illusion of a journey between myth and reality.

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Chinese Mooncake

In order to reproduce the magnificent scene of Tang Palace Music and dance in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, this design uses the perspective of large perspective to set the layout of the outer box, the hand-painted technique of embroidery style to draw the scene of the banquet in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and uses the three-dimensional paper carving to increase the level of packaging. The inner box is to take different dance styles of neon feather dress dance to present, and match with Chinese classical color, which reflects the elegance of Chinese classical culture.

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