Day of Design

Day of Design

Day of Design featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Tic Tac Toe packaging

All clothing items come in a sophisticated, multi-dimensional pack. There is no front or back, both sides are treated equally. The front has an endearing deer and fawn die-cut window that shows off Tic Tac Toe's clothing prints. The back has a die-cut heart that is three dimensional and framed in a second heart. Open the pack and an unexpected discovery unfolds. The reversible shoes also come in a “double-sided” pack. The large window allows visibility all around. The combination, shoes and clothes produce a gift set.

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Rawiu is a bachelor project of branding, created at Vilnius Academy of Arts by a graphic designer Ineta Plytnykiene. The project is cherishing traditions of healthy, vegetative nutrition. The created concept suggests using wild plants in everyday cookery all year. Violets, nettles, dandelions, aegopodiums are frozen and can be used in different dishes, also to enrich nutrition by exceptional vitamins. Wild plants are very seasonal food and this project suggests giving a possibility to use plants despite the season.

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Spain I Need You

The basis for our concept is an emotional element. The developed naming and design concept are aimed at the customer’s feelings and emotions, they serve the purpose of stopping the person right next to the needed shelf and making them pick it from the multitude of other brands. The entire marketing strategy and brand promotion will be based on the exact same positive emotional associations, making the brand more attractive.

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Westland Horticulture wanted to encourage people to feed birds and to create interest and involvement in feeding birds in everyone's garden, by giving young people the desire and enthusiasm to get involved. This concept creates a range of individual bird houses, one for for each seed variety, so that when the products are merchandised they look like a little street of bird houses.

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Stumbro Starka

The image of Stumbro Starka was changed in essence by creating a whole from its parts: from the new, uniquely-shaped, dark glass bottle adorned with raised calligraphy and the rich label which tells the legend of the beverage, to the bottle stopper decorated with an oak leaf wreath. The stork character appeared as a symbol of recognition. Caught in the unexpected role of a hospitable innkeeper, the stork became an intriguing and appealing narrator for the story.

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Rascally Liquor

Annandale Distillery wanted a branded look for two variants of its new make spirit called Rascally Liquor. The two variants are the immature and unsophisticated spirits that become Single Malt Scotch Whisky. Their characters are outgoing and a bit rogueish, so the idea of "releasing the rascal within" was developed as part of the brand's positioning. The consumer lets out the rascal from the bottle and from within themselves when they taste the product.

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